We are excited to announce that BODAV2 is now listed on Indacoin Exchange, where investors can purchase BODAV2 directly for fiat using their Visa or Mastercard.
Yes, you heard correct! BODAV2 can now be purchased directly for fiat!
What is Indacoin?
Indacoin is a Fait to Crypto Exchange that started in 2014. It has grown exponentially since then by listing more independent tokens on its exchange for direct fiat purchases.
Indacoin averages over 500,000 users per day. Over 5 million verified customers using their mobile app. With a transaction time of less than 1hr from when you purchase your crypto to when it arrives in your wallet.
Indacoin is partnered with some of the big players in the crypto space which include OKEx, Trust Wallet, Changelly, LaToken, Bithumb Global, Cointelegraph, Waves, and many more.
How to Buy BODAV2 Direct with Fiat?
You can simply visit the BODAV2 Partner payment portal here — https://buy.boda.indacoin.io/
In addition to BODAV2, Indacoin has kindly agreed to add BNB, Bitcoin and Ethereum to the payment portal. This means users will be able to purchase BEP20 BNB from Indacoin directly and use it on BodaSwap to trade other BEP20 cryptocurrencies. Users will also be able to buy native Bitcoin and native Ethereum if they wish. All tokens can be sent to your private wallet for better security and safekeeping!
Listing BODAV2 on Indacoin is just the first step in the global expansion of Boda Token.
We invite you to join the Boda Community on Telegram — https://t.me/Boda_Token
Discord — https://discord.gg/bodatoken